This overview will provide a brief account of earlier views on dreams and the current status of the dream-problem in contemporary science. Despite thousands of years of study, litt...
Read MoreFreud considered dreams of climbing to represent a longing for sexual fulfillment. Other dream researchers believe climbing dreams suggest moving steadily towards your goals. What ...
Read MoreA lucid dream is simply one in which you realize that you are dreaming. In one form or another, lucid dreaming has been practiced with great seriousness in certain religious and ph...
Read MoreAN AUTOMATIC NIGHTLY REVIEW: Once you fall asleep, the mind activates an “automatic housekeeping” function to filter and prioritize the day's events, emotions, and reactions. ...
Read MoreA near-death experience (NDE) is a phenomenon reported by people who have been declared clinically dead by medical experts, or passed close to death through accident or illness, bu...
Read MoreThe possibility that dreams may contain ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) fascinates many people and raises the intriguing question: “Can dreams really foretell the future?” Exper...
Read MoreThe scientific exploration of dreams is known as oneirology. This field delves not only into the content or meaning of dreams but also the intricate mechanics behind them. It exami...
Read MoreJung, Hadfield and several other dream researchers believe the dream process is linked with homoeostasis or self regulation (see Man and His Symbols, Jung; Dreams and Nightmares,...
Read More"Now Allah has created the dream not only as a means of guidance and instruction, I refer to the dream, but he has made it a window on the World of the Unseen." - Mohammed, the Pro...
Read MoreA number of well-recorded dreams have appeared to foretell accidents and some researchers believe that accidents in dreams are a warning. Research, however, does not support the id...
Read MoreThe Perspectives of Freud, Jung, Hall, and Domhoff on Dreams Our website, "Symbols, Signs, and Meanings," delves into the enigmatic messages that the unconscious mind conveys duri...
Read MoreWe all have ambitions and strive to achieve our ideals of success in waking life. These ambitions often surface in our dreams in symbolic disguise.According to Adler, dreams are an...
Read MoreA part of our persona is the role of male or female we must play. For most people, that gender role is determined by their physical sex. But Jung, like Freud and Adler and others, ...
Read MoreWhilst pregnant women often dream about giving birth in anticipation of the upcoming event, dreams of giving birth typically have very little connection with the biological process...
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