The meaning of the symbols of ro seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about ro related.


To find yourself on a roof in a dream, denotes unbounded success.To become frightened and think you are falling, signifies that, while you may advance, you will have no firm hold o...

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Traveling over a rough, unknown road in a dream, signifies new undertakings, which will bring little else than grief and loss of time.If the road is bordered with trees and flowers...

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To see a rocket ascending in your dream, foretells sudden and unexpected elevation, successful wooing, and faithful keeping of the marriage vows.To see them falling, unhappy unions...

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A secure spiritual foundation, figurative of christ; see “foundation”; if small rocks, see “gravel”...

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Figurative of bondage; see “bound”...

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According to the colors, whether large or small, type furniture, etc.; Research accordingly...

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1. Great fortune in affairs of the heart, joy and pleasure.2. Good news is coming (to smell a rose).3. Grace and purity (white rose).4. Infidelity (yellow).5. Pregnancy (to pick b...

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To dream of a rooster, foretells that you will be very successful and rise to prominence, but you will allow yourself to become conceited over your fortunate rise.To see roosters f...

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To dream of seeing roses blooming and fragrant, denotes that some joyful occasion is nearing, and you will possess the faithful love of your sweetheart.For a young woman to dream o...

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Revealing a need for spiritual intervention...

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Roller Coaster

1. Turbulent situation is becoming drawn out, ab­surd.2. Life’s journey seems out of control.3. Modes of behavior are growing erratic. ...

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To dream of seeing roots of plants or trees, denotes misfortune, as both business and health will go into decline.To use them as medicine, warns you of approaching illness or sorro...

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A bird is a messenger, and a robin is a new beginning...

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The foundation that gives spiritual nourishment, i.E. Jesus christ is the root of a christian; see “foundation”...

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Symbolic of doing hard work in the face of opposition, Mk. 6:48...

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A house robe implies a home situation; research details, i.E. Color, fabric, etc....

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See “puppet”...

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To see or eat roast in a dream, is an omen of domestic infelicity and secret treachery. ...

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Rocking-chairs seen in dreams, bring friendly intercourse and contentment with any environment.To see a mother, wife, or sweetheart in a rocking chair, is ominous of the sweetest j...

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To dream of rocks, denotes that you will meet reverses, and that there will be discord and general unhappiness.To climb a steep rock, foretells immediate struggles and disappointin...

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Rosemary, if seen in dreams, denotes that sadness and indifference will cause unhappiness in homes where there is every appearance of prosperity....

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To dream that you are in a rowboat with others, denotes that you will derive much pleasure from the companionship of gay and worldly persons.If the boat is capsized, you will suffe...

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Authority and correction...

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See “mouse” and “rat”, for they are different...

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Figurative of an insecure venture...

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Ropes in dreams, signify perplexities and complications in affairs, and uncertain love making.If you climb one, you will overcome enemies who are working to injure you.To decend{si...

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To dream of using rouge, denotes that you will practice deceit to obtain your wishes.To see others with it on their faces, warns you that you are being artfully used to further the...

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Going in circles and not getting anywhere because of merry activity...

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Living Room

1. Part of inner self shown to the public.2. A woman (dreamed by man).3. Core of identity. ...

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Dignified and powerful; often substituted for one of like character; research the name...

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1. Reverse: financial gains in the offing.2. A sense of emo­tional loss in the offing.3. Feelings of a loss of self, being drained, possibly of identity. ...

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Dining Room

As a room where you may nurture others by serving food, the dining room may present concerns about your family. In your dream, the dining room with its furnishings and serving tool...

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Instability, i.E. Rocking over a house key and breaking it, is a warning that instability will break up the household...

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(Thief) In a dream, a thief represents a liar, or humiliation inflicted upon such a person.(Also see Crocodile, Robbery, Thief)...

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The Roar of waters, a traveller will return; of animals, an enemy is watching you....

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As the crow, an oppressive messenger who gloats; see “bird” and “cards”...

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1. A good omen representing forward movement, sometimes change, usually in life.2. Goals and ambitions are far less diffi­cult than they appear.3. A need or desire for a spiritua...

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Dressing Room

(Dresser, Fitting room, Wardrobe) A dressing room means what a comb represents in a dream.A dressing room in a dream also represents a husband for a single girl, or a chaste and a...

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Locker Room

Symbolic of preparation or the time right before a major event in your life ...

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Symbolic of not being able to move towards a goal, Lam. 3:9 ...

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Symbolic of future technologies ...

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Round Table

1- A round table in a dream is a symbol of wholeness. Partly because of the tales of King Arthur, there are various mvths associated with a round table, but essentially it indicate...

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The rooms of a house each relate to the details and boundanes of different aspects of the soul or personality.For example, the bedroom often relates to your ideas about sexuality, ...

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Damask Rose

To dream of seeing a damask rosebush in full foliage and bloom, denotes that a wedding will soon take place in your family, and great hopes will be fulfilled.For a lover to place t...

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To see a lightning-rod, denotes that threatened destruction to some cherished work will confront you.To see one change into a serpent, foretells enemies will succeed in their schem...

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To see or think yourself a rogue, foretells you are about to commit some indiscretion which will give your friends uneasiness of mind. You are likely to suffer from a passing malad...

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To dream of rooks, denotes that while your friends are true, they will not afford you the pleasure and contentment for which you long, as your thoughts and tastes will outstrip the...

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To see a rosebush in foliage but no blossoms, denotes prosperous circumstances are enclosing you.To see a dead rosebush, foretells misfortune and sickness for you or relatives. ...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation