To carry a bright one, success, an especially favorable dream for lovers; a dim lamp, sickness; a light that goes out or is extinguished, death; or at least danger (Raphael). In an...
A dream foreshadowing great joy (Gypsy). The sacred tree of lower Egypt, also the Tree of Life (Egyptian). The Scriptural symbol for the righteous and godly....
To dream of seeing them near the water warns you to be decisive if you would succeed (Gypsy). The scriptural metaphor uses them to symbolize weakness....
General Meaning: A new direction in your life or one that has passed.
A gate, path, door, or fence opening in dreams can symbolize a new direction or opportunity in life. It can a...
Symbolize our own traits, good and bad. When you see an animal doing something in your dreams it usually represents a bad trait. As it is far easier for us to accept and watch an a...