If a person sees himself acquiring or becoming the owner of a sheep it is a glad tiding that he will acquire superiority and wealth.An influential and powerful person will become s...
Read MoreThe fat, meat, skin, milk, wool and droppings of sheep symbolise wealth and booty for a person if he sees himself as acquiring any of them....
Read MoreIf a person sees himself as becoming the owner of a flock of sheep it means he will gain superiority over some noblemen and great personalities.A similar interpretation is given if...
Read MoreIn the above case if he sees himself as riding the animal, leading it to wherever he desires it means he will derive tremendous benefit from such a person....
Read MoreIn the above case if he sees himself as overpowering the sheep, dropping it to the ground, it means he will over power him and render him helpless and powerless....
Read MoreIf a person slaughters a sheep or any other animal with the object of sacrifice or qurbani, it means he will be freed if he is a slave; or he will be released if he is imprisoned; ...
Read MoreIn the above case if he sees himself as skinning the animal it means he will rob him of his wealth. He will enter into some dispute with him. Finally, he will separate from him....
Read MoreIf he sees himself as slaughtering or killing a sheep not for food it means he will subjugate or gain victory over a powerful and strong man....
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