sleeping boy


Sheer | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Sheer Leg

20 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about sheer and leg related.


Symbol: In the Mediterranean region, the cow symbolizes the goddess of love and fertility.Vision: Looking at one or more cows is a sign of personal good luck, unless the cows are...

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also see Marsh1- A swamp in a dream symbolises feelings which can undermine our confidence and well-being.To be swamped is to be overwhelmed by a feeling or emotion.To be swamping ...

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Vision: Looking at clay: progress in your personal affairs is possible only through sheer willpower and patience. You are stuck in a difficult situation. You need strength and ene...

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These big animals if in a normal friendly mood are an omen of great good luck.Performing they signify helpful friends and/ or associates.Working, they indicate assured success in a...

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To visit an academy in your dreams, denotes that you will regret opportunities that you have let pass through sheer idleness and indifference.To think you own, or are an inmate of ...

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For a young woman to dream that her bosom is wounded, foretells that some affliction is threatening her.To see it soiled or shrunken, she will have a great disappointment in love a...

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To dream of a map, or studying one, denotes a change will be contemplated in your business. Some disappointing things will occur, but much profit also will follow the change.To dre...

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To see your own nose, indicates force of character, and consciousness of your ability to accomplish whatever enterprise you may choose to undertake.If your nose looks smaller than ...

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To fed that you are poisoned in a dream, denotes that some painful influence will immediately reach you.If you seek to use poison on others, you will be guilty of base thoughts, or...

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To dream of seeing your soul leaving your body, signifies you are in danger of sacrificing yourself to useless designs, which will dwarf your sense of honor and cause you to become...

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To dream that you find a wall obstructing your progress, you will surely succumb to ill-favored influences and lose important victories in your affairs.To jump over it, you will ov...

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Sheer luxury...

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1. Success, pleasures and sheer joy—often socially, fre­quently in domestic or business affairs.2. A need or desire for “harmony”—likely with inner self, often with friend...

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A rhino brings the message to charge ahead in order to break through the barriers that are in the way of achieving your goals. It may call you to incorporate a more aggressive meth...

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This is generally a good dream, but it depends upon circumstances. Handsome Furniture is very fortunate, but naturally, this depends upon the person who dreams. What is ordinary Fu...

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Eight is always connected with Four—since it is the “double” of Four, and also seems to be a lucky number. Eight is the symbol of Saturn and is always connected with “Karma...

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Gold, Gold Treasure

Vision: Owning gold is a sign of building too many casdes in the air and of trying to get ahead financially by sheer force. Giving away gold to others: try to be more discreet—d...

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The minotaur is a mythical beast – half man and half bull – that was trapped within the first labyrinth created. Spiritually, it is symbolic of man’s instinctive urges overco...

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Material aspects: A trumpet in a dream will most often suggest either a warning or a ‘call to arms’. From a practical point of view it will often be alerting us to some potenti...

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Dreams of sincere love are a forecast of happiness and contentment through a healthy and intelligent adjustment to the conditions of life; but a dream of illicit love or sheer lust...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation