Shelter Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 13 Unique Sources About Shelter

shelter image


Dream Meanings About The Shelter

1- Any shelter signifies protection.

The human is aware of the need for a safe space, and this symbolism comes across in dreams quite strongly.

The images used could be anything from a snail shell to an umbrella. Usually dreams about shelter highlight our needs or insecurities.

2- The other image of shelter is protcctiveness that is, a more active participation in giving shelter or sanctuary.

If we are giving shelter to someone in dreams, we may be protecting a part of ourselves from hurt or difficulty.

If we arc being given shelter we are conscious of the fact that there is protective power in our lives.

3- Shelter in the spiritual sense suggests sanctuary a space wherein we will not be harmed but can be ourselves.


Material aspects: Any shelter signifies protection. We are all aware of the need for a safe space, and this symbolism comes across in dreams quite strongly.

The images used could be anything from a snail shell to an umbrella. Usually dreams about shelter highlight our needs or insecurities. You might also like to consult the entries for shells and umbrella.


Psychological / emotional perspective: The other image of shelter is protectiveness – that is, actively participating in giving shelter or sanctuary.

If we are giving shelter to someone in dreams, we may be protecting a part of ourselves from hurt or difficulty.

If we are being given shelter we are aware that there is protective power in our lives.


To dream of seeking shelder against rain denotes secret trouble; to fly from a storm, evil to come; to find shelter prognosticates misery and despair; to have it refused, triumph and joy (Gypsy). Here the interpretation is easily traceable to early Christian persecution, when shelter and food were refused to the elect.


To dream that you are at a shelter indicates that you are experiencing an incident involving feelings of vulnerability. You are searching for refuge and protection. It also indicates that you are afraid of diversity and unfamiliarity.


Dreams of shelter signify protection and hiding. Perhaps you are feeling unsafe, defensive, in need of support or you have a desire to be mothered. Consider the feeling tone.

See Also: Sanctuary, Goddess Hestia.


To dream that you are building a shelter, signifies that you will escape the evil designs of enemies.

If you are seeking shelter, you will be guilty of cheating, and will try to justify yourself.


If you dream that you are making a shelter it foretells a plan to escape from your enemies.

If you are looking for shelter you may be deceitful without realizing it.


Shelter in the spiritual sense suggests sanctuary – a space wherein we will not be harmed but can be ourselves.


1. One needs shelter from some sort of emotional storm.

2. One seeks shelter from some sort of threat.


A place of refuge provided by God from spiritual enemies and people who spread strife, Ps. 31:20


A refuge from the stormy trials of life



See Also: Shade)


13 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about shelter related.

Asylum / Homeless Shelter

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Homeless Shelter

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Homeless Shelter, Homelessness

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Paradise / Garden / Shelter

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Bomb Shelter

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Taking Shelter

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Staying In A Shelter

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A to Z Dream Interpretation