Stage Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 20 Unique Sources About Stage

stage image


Dream Meanings About The Stage

To be on stage in your dream suggests a desire to become more visible.

If the stage is open air, this suggests communication with a large audience, not just a selected few.

If the stage is moving, this indicates your desire to keep moving, even when acting a role. Carl Jung once wrote, ‘The whole dream-work is essentially subjective, and a dream is a theatre in which the dreamer is himself the scene, the player, the prompter, the producer, the author, the public, and the critic.’ In other words, dreams are themselves like a theatre in which your problems, hopes and fears are acted out by characters generated by your imagination. To dream of a theatre is therefore like a dream within a dream.

If you dream of watching or acting a play, pantomime or circus, consider what aspects of your personality each character represents. Do these characters raise the curtain on some of your most poignant questions and experiences in life?

This dream is showing you your life, the way you behave and the way you present yourself to others from a new perspective. The scenes being played out are typically ones that are being played out at present; they are experimenting or exploring an idea, relationship or situation. For example, if you watched members of your family or a group of friends performing a play, your unconscious may be telling you that in waking life they may be deceiving you in some way or not revealing their true feelings.

If the stage was empty, your unconscious may be referring to the lack of creativity in your waking life and the need for more color, variety and stimulation. A curious superstition claims that if you dream you cut new teeth, it is a sign that you will hear of the birth of a child who will do great things in theatre.


See Also: Theatre

1- I’o be on stage in a dream is to be making oneself visible.

An open-air stage suggests communication with the masses rather than a selected audience.

A moving stage signifies the need to keep moving, even while performing a role.

If we are members of the audience we need to be aware of the plot of the play and how it mav be relevant to us.

1- To be at a stage (of development, for instance) is to be cognisant of what one knows, but also what one docs not.

If a project or an idea reaches a certain stage, we can envisage the potential for success.

2- Spiritually a stage is a representation of our own life play. We are able to observe and be objective about what is going on. By externalising the ‘play’ into a framework we can manipulate our lives.


Vision: Being on stage: do you want to be successful on the job without working for it? Seeing other people on stage: you are envious and don’t want to admit it! Take a good look at yourself: are you really honest and forthright—with yourself and others?

Depth Psychology: A stage might indicate that you want more respect; or you are recognizing your desires, interests, and hopes as a “stage of your life.” Do you want more attention—do you want to be in the limelight? Is there a drama in progress on stage? See Actor.


To dream that you are on a stage symbolizes how you influence others through your actions and performances. This is how you relate to other people. Perhaps you require being the focus of everyone’s consideration. Pay attention to your actions on the stage. This can also have significant meaning.

To dream that you are on a side stage implies that you are a passive person. You should be more assertive and outgoing.


If you dream of speaking or performing on a stage, then you have a desire to express yourself, take a stand for something, display your talents, and to be noticed and appreciated for your unique contribution to life. Also, dreams of a stage signify your awareness of the roles you play and the particular scene that you are acting out in the drama of your life, or are willing to express yourself publicly.

See Also: Play.


A stage is a structure for presentation. As a symbol in a dream, the stage suggests a moment in your life when you either desire to or are being required to present a certain idea, concept, or new direction in your life in a very public way. Because what is presented on a stage is a manufactured reality, this image in a dream may be asking you to consider how authentic you are being in your life right now.


(See Also: Play, Actor, Dancing, Singer).

A dream of a stage set for the rising of the curtain predicts that you will have an experience of unusual importance to your sweetheart and one which will require you to make a lengthy explanation.

If there is any action at all upon the stage, the dream must be interpreted by referring to one of the heading? indicated above.


All the world is a stage and we are all actors playing a part.

The trick to figuring out this dream is to try to find the symbology that will point to your ‘performance in life’ and then you will be able to correlate the stage with any items you see on it and the actions of the actors as they role play in order to receive the intended message.


1. One does not feel connected with one’s true self.

2. Someone is being deceptive.

3. In a sense, life is more performance than substance.

4. One needs to be the center of attention.

5. Everyone else is playing a role too (“all the world’s a stage”).


Points to an important position at work or position in life.

A desire to be more in the limelight, as in Arena. Are you outgoing? Do you share of yourself? What role have you played, or what mask have you been hiding behind? What piece have you forgotten?


Being onstage may mention that you are performing in life and may not be expressing your authentic nat’ire. It may also represent the stage on which we play out our life dramas and comedies. It may point to the need for self-reflecrion.


If you dream of being onstage, you crave more attention and drama in your life. Good times are coming, but you will have to work hard to get there. Also see “Backstage.”


The stage of life. How you present or show yourself to others; beliefs, attitudes, behavior. Roles may change at any time. Your present performance.

See Also: Actor.


Used for exaltation


Activated program.


See Also: theatre.


See Also: Acting.


lucky numbers: 24-31-34-40-47-50

applying greasepaint: deceit with the best of intentions, to entertain.

audition, being at an: the rehearsal for an interview.

being on a: disappointment in projects begun for early exposure.

prompted: are not sure of your words, actions or exits.

thrown out of a, door: wil have pains in the heart over missed opportunity.

building a: wil mourn over the loss of relatives.

coach, driving a: your adventures have become wild and wooly.

being a passenger on a: wil be stirred from innocence to pursue a love affair.

family name on the: wil be nominated for a leadership position.

floor of a, the: have been searching the pleasures of love for free.

of a: remarkable events in which you are on show.

performing on: are concerned with how you appear to others.

sitting in a box near the: endure terrible pangs of jealousy to be the center of attention.


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A to Z Dream Interpretation