Symbolic of being hardened and unrepentant from sin, Jer. 5:3
[1]Symbolic of being hardened and unrepentant from sin, Jer. 5:3
[1]Dreams can often be perplexing experiences with seemingly strange elements, such as someone blowing a white powder on your face. This particular dream may feel mysterious, yet it c...
Read MoreDreams can often leave us puzzled and curious about their meanings. The imagery of two different faces alongside a lion\'s face with a missing left eye is rich with symbolism and c...
Read MoreTo dream of seeing a blood stone, denotes that you will be unfortunate in your engagements.For a young woman to receive one as a gift, denotes she will suffer estrangement from one...
Read MoreGeneral MeaningThis dream signifies some trouble, conflict, and worry in waking life. Seeing a bloody face in the mirror may represent some form of self-harm, emotional turmoil, pa...
Read MoreDreams can often weave intricate narratives that reflect our inner thoughts, emotions, and even future possibilities. When you dream of a \"Witch in Black Stone Temple That Looks S...
Read MoreTo see stone masons at work while dreaming, foretells disappointment.To dream that you are a stone mason, portends that your labors will be unfruitful, and your companions will be ...
Read More1. Need to change.2. Need to present a better image to the world.3. Someone shaving the dreamer means that one is willing to trust others. ...
Read More(The corner stone of the Ka’aba, God’s House in Mecca) Seeing or holding the Black Stone of the Ka’aba in one’s dream means paying allegiance to the ruler, or it could mean...
Read More(Filth) Adirty face in a dream represents a rare art, while a filthy body represents a sinful person....
Read MoreIf a person sees a grinding stone in motion, it signifies that he will most definitely acquire sustenance but after much difficulty and hardship, but such sustenance will be pure a...
Read MoreIn a dream, pelting stones symbolize faithfulness, settling debts, triumph over adversaries, or performing virtuous deeds. Consuming one of these stones, originally intended for pl...
Read MoreSeeing a stonecutter in a dream means that one is close to committing a major sin.A stonecutter in a dream also means enmity or divisiveness. Astone cutter in a dream also represen...
Read MoreGeneral MeaningDreaming about colors on the face generally deals with emotions, self-perception, and the ways you present yourself to the world. It may symbolize the exploration of...
Read More(Fire stone, Hard, Siliceous rock, Steel) In a dream, a flint stone means searching for something that could bring profits or hoping for something to happen, and both will take p...
Read More(Cutting stones, Stone carving, Sculpturing) Building a structure in a dream from masonry rather than baked brick represents elevation of one’s status, success, or stretching on...
Read MoreThe face and beard symbolise a man’s status and awe. Seeing one’s beard lengthened suggest that his position or status will be elevated....
Read MoreIf symbolises beauty and adornment.If the ring is seen destroyed but not the stone, it means a person will lose what he owns but the people will continue to talk about its beauty.I...
Read MoreThrowing stones from a high altitude down in every direction in a dream means being unjust toward others though from a position of strength.(Also see Cast’, Stoning, Hazelnut, ...
Read MoreA symbol for wanting to smooth out something. According to 2nd century dream interpreter Artemidorus, an encouragement to be more refined in your dealings with people....
Read MorePoints to the necessity of becoming more grounded, but at the same time it is what separates us from the “naked” earth.According to Jung, it expresses darkness, as in Forest....
Read MoreVision: A woman dreaming about face cream means she wants to be more beautiful, well groomed, and desirable, because in real life she often feels left out....
Read MoreVision: Dreaming about a mill: your income will improve, your projects are making good progress, and vour future will be a happy one. Watching the wheel turning at a mill: you wil...
Read MoreSymbol: Looking at a precious stone: you are tempted by material things. Receiving a gift of a precious stone: your wealth will increase.If you are wearing precious stones: you ar...
Read MoreSymbol: A stone wall is a symbol of protection and safety.Vision: Looking at a stone wall: something is holding you back or obstacles are put in your way (pay attention to the re...
Read MoreDreams of a kidney stone symbolize righteous resentment and an unwillingness to forgive. You are under the false impression that holding onto anger will keep you safe or morally su...
Read MoreIf you dream of seeing a happy face symbol, you are pleased with your achievements. This dream can also mean that you are looking for something or someone that will make you happy....
Read MoreIf you dream of seeing a smiley face symbol, you are pleased with your achievements. This dream can also mean that you are looking for something or someone that will make you happy...
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