The meaning of the symbols of supposed seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


Doing Something Your Not Supposed To | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Supposed

20 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about supposed related.


1- Weaving is a very basic symbol and suggests the need to take responsibility for our own lives.To be doing any handicraft shows that we have situations in hand.2- Weaving is take...

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1- To be storing beans in a dream may show a fear of failure, or a lack of confidence in our ability to carry through an objective, and the need to create something in the future.T...

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also see Antlers1- Horns appearing in dreams hark back to the idea of the animal in the human.The god Pan, who represents sexuality as well as life force, wore horns.A horn also re...

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also see Time1- Night signifies a period of rest and relaxation. It can, however, also suggest a time of chaos and difficulty.It is a time for ‘ghosties, ghoulics and things that...

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also see Sex1- Sadism often arises because of anger still held but suppressed from childhood hurts.It is the wish to hurt or provoke a reaction often in someone we love. In waking ...

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1- Dreaming of voting in an election, whether general or within the workplace, highlights our wish and ability to belong to groups.If we are conscious we arc voting with the group ...

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Shapes / Patterns

1- The number of sides the shape has will be significant (See Numbers), as will the colours (See Colours). At a certain stage of development the geometric shapes which will give th...

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1- In previous times to dream of a trunk was supposed to foretell a long journey. Nowadays, as people tend to travel light, it is much more likely to represent a repository for old...

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Lock / Locked

also see Key and Prison1- It is very easy to lock away the emotions, supposedly to keep them safe.A lock appearing in a dream may alert us to the fact that we need to free up whate...

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1- In dreams, salt highlights the subtle qualities we bring to our lives, those things we do to enhance our lifestyle. It has been suggested that if the water was removed from the ...

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Burns stand for tidings of good.To burn your hand in a clear and flowing fire, denotes purity of purpose and the approbation of friends.To burn your feet in walking through coals, ...

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It is unlucky to dream you see a cardinal in his robes. You will meet such misfortunes as will necessitate your removal to distant or foreign lands to begin anew your ruined fortun...

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Empty ink-stands denote that you will narrowly escape public denunciation for some supposed injustice.To see them filled with ink, if you are not cautious, enemies will succeed in ...

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(New moon) If the new crescent appears in its correct position in a dream, it means begetting a blessed son or receiving an important appointment or profits from one’s business. ...

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(Muteness, Silence) In a dream, dumbness means corruption in one’s religious commitment or falsehood.If one sees himself dumb in a dream, it means that he insults the companions ...

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(Lawn) In a dream, grass represents religious awareness and blessings.If one sees grass growing in the palm of his hand in a dream, it means that he will discover his wife having a...

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Spell Out

(Divulging) If one speaks or spells out something that is supposed to remain a secret in a dream, it may mean reaching an elevated position, gaining respect for one’s words and o...

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(ant.) A healthy spleen in a dream means that one’s coffers are well protected and that he will enjoy success in his life.If one’s spleen is inflamed or larger than usual in th...

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(Elation, Excitement, Joy) In general, happiness in a dream means sorrow.To be happy about something which the heart does not feel comfortable with, or which the heart does not qu...

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(Abuse, Cursing, Swearing, Vilify) Insulting someone in a dream could represent the dignity of the one impugning upon the other person, and the unworthiness of the person who is ...

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