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The meaning of the symbols of surah, lyal seen in a dream.

sleeping boy


Being Asked To Recite Surah Baqarah And Surah Fatiha | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Surah Lyal

90 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about surah and lyal related.

Soorah A’la

Allah will ease his matters for him....

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Soorah A’raaf

Its reader will acquire a little knowledge of every science. And it is possible that he will die in a foreign land....

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Soorah Aadiyaat

Allah will grant him horses of such qualities that he will be able to derive much benefit from them....

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Soorah Aale Imraan

Whoever reads it in his dream fully or partially he will be the black sheep of his family. He will acquire hisd rizq in old age. He will also undertke journeys continuously....

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Soorah Abasa

Its reader will discharge his zakaah and give much charity....

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Soorah Ahqaal

Its reader will become disobedient to his parents but will repent for his sin during the last stages of his life....

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Soorah Ahzaab

Its reader will praise his family members; he will be granted longevity; and he will be very cunning to his friends....

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Soorah An’aam

Its reader will now focus his attention towards safeguarding and serving the cause of Deen. He will acquire halaal rizq and will be fortunate in the world and hereafter...

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Soorah Asr

Its reader will exercise sabr and patience and he will help in matters of truth....

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Soorah Bani Isra’eel

The King or government will subject its reader to tyranny and oppression.It is also said that he will be safeguarded against the mischief of certain person while fearing a crisis o...

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Soorah Baqarah

Whoever reads it in his dream fully or partially_albeit one word_ he will live long and progress in deeds of piety. At times it means he will move to a new locality where he will b...

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Soorah Dahr Or Insaan

Its reader will be a generous man who will also be grateful to Allah for his bounties....

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Soorah Duhaa

Its reader will honour the orphans and indigent people....

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Soorah Dukhaan

The One who recites it in his dream will be safeguarded against harms caused by oppressors; he will also be granted protection from the chastisement of the grave and punishment of ...

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Soorah Faatihah

Anyone who recites it fully or partially, his duas will be assuredly accepted by Allah and he will derive such benefit thereby that it will bring him joy and happiness. Some say th...

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Soorah Faatir

Its reciter will see Allah Ta’ala and become a saint from amongst the saints of Allah....

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Soorah Fajr

He will instill awe and elegance in the hearts of people....

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Soorah Falaq

Its reader will be protected against evil....

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Soorah Fath

Its reader will be loved by Allah....

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Soorah Furqaan

He will love truth and abhor falsehood....

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Soorah Ghaashiyah

He will become esteemed in the eyes of people and the effects of his knowledge will spread far and wide....

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Soorah Ha Meem As-sajdah

Its reader will become a means of hidaayat and guidance for the people....

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Soorah Haaqqah

There is fear that its reader will become subjected to some aggression although he will be one the right....

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Soorah Hajj

He will perform Hajj and Umrah. But if he is ill he will die....

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Soorah Hashr

He will be resurrected while Allah will be pleased with him; he will also destroy his enemies....

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Soorah Hujuraat

Its reader will become instrumental in joining the hearts of Allah’s servants....

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Soorah Humazah

Its reader will amass wealth and then spend it is good cause....

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Soorah Ibraheem

Its reader will glorify Allah abundantly and he will offer abundant repentance unto Allah....

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Soorah Ikhlaas

Whoever reads it will repent for his sins and no child of his will live, for Allah Says; He does not beget nor is he begotten.Some Ulama say that its recitation in the dream is an ...

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Soorah Infitaar

The kings and rulers will hold him dear and they will honour him....

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Soorah Inshiqaaq

He will have many offsprings....

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Soorah Inshiraah

Allah will open his bosom so that he acquires the correct understanding of Deen. Allah will also ease matters for him and remove his sorrow....

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Soorah Jaathiyah

Its reader will lead an ascetic life ( ie. He will become a zaahid)....

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Soorah Jinn

Its reader will be protected against jinn....

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Soorah Jumu’ah

Allah will gather for him the bounties of both the worlds....

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Soorah Kaafiroon

Its reader will fight against the non-belivers....

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Soorah Kauthar

Its reader will acquire much goodness in both the worlds....

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Soorah Lahab Or Masad

Whoever recites it in his dream his ambitions will be fulfilled, people will mention his name with reverence, he will become firm in his beliefs, his family will be small and his l...

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Soorah Luqmaan

Whoever reads it he will become a good calligrapher and acquire wisdom....

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Soorah Ma’aarij

Its reader will be protected and helped by Allah. He will be successful....

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Soorah Maa’idah

The reader of this Soorah will be anoble person whose passion will be to feed people. But at length he will be harmed by some hard-hearted persons....

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Soorah Maa’oon

Its reader will gain victory over his opposition....

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Soorah Maryam

Whoever reads this Soorah in his dream he will find himself in straitened circumstances but Allah will remove his difficulties and ease matters for him....

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Soorah Mu’min Or Ghaafir

He will be a firm believer....

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Soorah Mu’minoon

Reading it is an indication that he loves offering long prayers and displaying his submission to Allah during the nights. But there is fear that he will be afflicted with some seri...

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Soorah Muddath-thir

The one who reads it will be in straitened circumstances but Allah will remove his difficulties....

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Soorah Muhammad Or Qitaal

He will be visited by an angel in its best and most pleasant form....

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Soorah Mujaadalah

Its reader will fight against those who profess falsehood nand he will be stern with them....

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Soorah Mulk

Allah will grant him the bounties of both the worlds. He will own a great deal of properties and give much charity....

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Soorah Mumtahinah

Its reader will find himself in some difficulty while he will be rewarded for it....

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Soorah Munafiqoon

Its reader will be exonerated from nifaaq and hypocrisy....

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Soorah Mursalaat

Allah will increase his rizq for him and guide him to be grateful to Allah for His bounties....

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Soorah Muzzammil

Its reciter will be a man of good conduct and he will exercise patience and sabr and always be grateful to Allah....

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Soorah Naazi’aat

All grief and sorrow will be removed from his heart....

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Soorah Naba’a

All grief and sorrow will be removed from his heart. He will become honourable and his name will be mentioned with reverence by the people....

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Soorah Nahl

The one who reads it in his dream, his rizq will be safeguarded. He will be included amongst the party of the beloved Prohet (Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) even though he did not wi...

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Soorah Najm

Whoever reads it will be blessed with many children who will die for the pleasure of Allah Azza Wajalla. Also he will be a man of great learning and piety....

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Soorah Naml

He will love truth and abhor falsehood. He will be the leader of his people. He will acquire knowledge and power....

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Soorah Nisaa

The reader will live with a beautiful woman till the end of his life. But the marriage will not be a happy one. He will also possess the ability to rpesent stong arguments and spea...

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Soorah Noon Or Qalam

Allah will shower His blessings on him. And he will attain salvation....

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Soorah Noor

Its reader will be amongst those who enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong; he will love some and dislike others for the sake of Allah; he will be afflicted with some illne...

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Soorah Qaaf

He will acquire knowledge through which people will become obligated to him.The latter part of his life will be better than the former and he will remain steadfast and firm....

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Soorah Qaari’ah

Allah will grant him honour through worship. And tawwa....

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Soorah Qadr

Its Recitation is an indication that he will do good actions....

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Soorah Qamar

Sorcery (jaado) will be exercised on its reader but he will not be harmed by the grace of Allah....

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Soorah Qasas

Whoever recites this Soorah he will be tested in the matter of a piece of land. This piece of land may be in the countryside, city, his home or in the place where he performs his s...

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Soorah Qiyaamah

Its reader will always abstain from swearing oaths....

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Soorah Quraish

Its reader will feed the poor and Allah will make him the means of joining the hearts of the Muslims....

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Soorah Ra’ad

Its reader will always be impoverished and needy. According to one interpretation his death is imminent....

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Soorah Rahmaan

Its reader will be bestowed with the bounties of Allah in the world and His mercies in the hereafter....

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Soorah Rome

Whoever reads it there is hypocrisy in his heart. But if its reader is a king he will acquire the knowledge of Deen. And if he a qaadhi or trader he will profit tremendously....

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Soorah Saad

Its reader will have much sense of honour. He will also display much love for women, familiarizing and travelling with them....

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Soorah Saaffaat

He will receive his livelihood from halaal sources and be blessed with two male offsprings....

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Soorah Sabaa

The one who recites this soorah will become brave and every eager to arm himself with a sword....

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Soorah Sajdah

Its reader will become a firm mu-wahhid (Unitarian) and a strong believer....

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Soorah Shams

Allah will grant its reader intellect and farsightedness in all matters....

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Soorah Shoora

Its reader will benefit from his ilm and amal....

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Soorah Shu’ara

He will earn his livelihood with much hardship. He will not acquire anything but with difficulties. He will take to long journeys but achieve very little....

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Soorah Taghaabun

He will die on hidaayah and guidance....

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Soorah Tahreem

He will abstain from violating the laws of Allah regarding haraam....

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Soorah Takaathur Or Maqaabir

Its reader will stop amassing wealth and lead and ascetic life....

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Soorah Takweer

Its reader will travel a great deal to the East and his journeys will prove fruitful....

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Soorah Talaaq

Its reader will have disputes with his wife which will lead to a divorce. But he will pay in full her dowry....

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Soorah Taubah

Whoever reads it in his dream, he will revere and love the pious people....

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Soorah Thaariyaat

Its reader will be able to acquire as much produce of the earth as he desires. And it could also mean that he will live in harmony with people of all religions and mathaahib....

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Soorah Waaqi’ah

Its reader will hasten towards performing good deeds and obeying Allah....

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Soorah Yaseen

He will remain steadfast on his Deen....

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Soorah Yoosuf

Woever reads it in his dream his family members will become his enemies and his livelihood will received in a land away from home....

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Soorah Zilzaal

Allah will grant him the power and strength to weaken the non-believers....

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Soorah Zukhruf

The one who recites it in his dream will acquire his livelihood with much difficulty and he will be less fortunate during the final years of his life....

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A to Z Dream Interpretation