Swimming Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 34 Unique Sources About Swimming

swimming image


Dream Meanings About The Swimming

(Employment, Knowledge, Prison) If a man ofknowledge sees himself swimming in the ocean in a dream, it means that he will attain his goals. Ifhe enters the water of the ocean then comes back to the shore in a dream, it means that he will commence his path of seeking knowledge then abandons it. Swimming in a dream also means going to jail. Swimming on sand in a dream means that one may be incarcerated; that his living conditions in his jail will be constricted, and that he will suffer in his prison from hardships equal to the difficulties he encounters during his swim in the dream.

If one sees himself swimming inside his own house in a dream, it means that he will work for a ruthless, wicked and an unjust employer who will entrap him in his service through a business deal. Consequently, God Almighty will help him out of his entanglements.

If one is afraid of swimming in the dream, it means that he is scared of someone in authority.

If he runs away from swimming in a dream, it means that he will escape from him.

If one sees himself entering waters where he can swim successfully in a dream, it means that he will engage in a major project,lead an important job, or acquire authority and power. Ifone swims on his back in a dream, it means that he will repent for a sin.

If he swims in the sea and finds its water stagnant in the dream, it means that he will serve someone in authority, though his job will bringhim nothing but trouble and the wrath of his employer. Ifhe still manages to cross the sea in his dream, it means that he will escape from dangers his employment could inflict upon him.

If he swims with fear in a dream, it means trouble, imprisonment, or a sickness he will endure depending on the type of needed efforts or distance he has to cross. Should he think in the dream that he will not be able to make it, then it means his death.

If he shows courage during his swim in the dream, it means that he will be able to escape from such a dangerous job. Troubled waters in a dream mean adversities. Swimming successfully across troubled waters in a dream means overcoming one’s adversities. Any sea or agitated waters in a dream represent the authorities or the state, whether it be a swamp, a lake, a pond, 424 a sea, or an ocean.

If one sees himself drowning in a river, or a lake, then ifhe is carried by others and laid on dry land motionless like a fish in a dream, this also means trials and adversities. Ifone is saved from drowningbefore he wakesup from his sleep in the dream, it means that he will triumph over his trials. Otherwise, ifhe dies from it in the dream, it means that he may die from such adversities. Ifduring his swim one meets a ship that pulls him out ofthe waters, or to which he holds or grabs, it also means escape from adversities.

If one drowns in the dream, it means that he may die as a martyr, though having previously indulged in many sins.

To walk on water, whether it is the sea or a river in a dream means good spiritual standing, religious assiduousness and a strong faith and determination. Walking on water in a dream also could be interpreted as ascertaining something about which one may have doubt, or placing one’s trust in God Almighty before embarking on a dangerous trip.

(See Also: Air)


Universal Landscape: Moving with effort through an emotional transition.

Dreaming Lens: Were you swimming or were you watching someone else swim? Was there a specific purpose or destination involved, or were you swimming for pleasure? How difficult was it to stay on your course? What sort of body of water were you in? Were you swimming above the water or down deep fully immersed?

Personal Focus: Water represents the emotional realm of our feelings, both conscious and unconscious. Swimming is specifically about progress and making your way through the emotional territory in your life. The intimate connection suggested by being immersed in water makes this an image that reflects your personal emotional journey as an individual. The effort of propelling yourself forward is completely self-motivated and generated exclusively by your own body. This reveals how effectively, or ineffectively, you are pushing yourself through an emotional challenge in your life.

The ease, pace, and depth of your swim offers a great deal of texture for you to investigate. The harder you have to work, the more effort is required to arrive at your destination of emotional growth. How fast you are moving will inform you of the speed of the process you are undergoing. The level of immersion communicates the emotional territory through which you are traveling—being on the surface reflects the emotions you are aware of, whereas swimming underwater implies deeper areas of feelings that reside in your unconscious mind.

The body of water you are in plays a strong role in arriving at an accurate interpretation. Small amounts of contained emotion connected to single issues in your life will be reflected by images of man-made constructions, such as pools or spas. A natural body of water expands the symbolic meaning to processes that are shared with others. The ocean represents the collective unconscious and an emotional connection to the human race. A lake might be more personal, but is reflective of your life as a whole. Water that flows, such as a river or a stream, connotes issues of emotional flow and the expression of your feelings.

Swimming upstream might mean that the current challenge is significant and requires effort. Moving with the current or tides could indicate that surrender to the emotional shifts is taking place. The fear of drowning can represent being overwhelmed by the transition you are in. Swimming laps might point to facing a recurring emotional issue that you are confronting over and over again. Competitive swimming could indicate that your struggle is both visible to others and may be producing elements of performance anxiety.


Example: ‘I looked at a large pool where a river surfaced.

A woman swam in it and was going to enter tunnels leading away from it. As I watched I saw some huge croco­diles swim towards her. With great speed and confidence she swam away, obviously being able to match the threat’ (Laurie V). Laurie explored the dream and found the swimming ex­pressed his growing confidence in meeting feelings which in past years had led to depression.

Generally, swimming shows confidence in dealing with the son of impacts, anxieties or emotions which cause some peo­ple to go under’, either in relationships, running a family or business, being able to meet the many influences, urges and thoughts in which we exist; expressive motivation, trusting oneself, life, and our sexuality. Swimming against cunent, tide: meeting opposition, either from within or others; moving against general opinions; feeling difficulties. Swimming un­derwater: taking awareness into what was unconscious. Swimming with other people: sharing common feelings, goals, etc.; connections with others. Diving in: taking the plunge in a new activity, relationship or way of life. Hanging about, not getting in: hesitation about a change or something new in life. Idioms: in the swim; swim against the tide; sink or swim.

See Also: pool.


You are navigating the waters of your own emotional journey. Water represents the emotional realm of our feelings, both conscious and unconscious. Swimming is specifically about progress and making your way through the emotional territory in your life.

The effort of propelling yourself forward is completely self-motivated and generated exclusively by your own body. This reveals how effectively or ineffectively you are pushing yourself through an emotional challenge in your life.

The ease, pace, and depth of your swim offer a great deal of texture for you to investigate.

The harder you have to work, the more effort is required to arrive at your destination of emotional growth. How fast you are moving will inform you of the speed of the process you are undergoing.

The level of immersion communicates the emotional territory through which you are traveling; being on the surface reflects the emotions you are aware of, whereas swimming underwater implies deeper feelings that reside in your unconscious mind.


See Also: Drowning

1- Dreaming of swimming has much the same symbolism as immersion (See Also: Immersion).

To lie swimming upstream in a dream would indicate that the dreamer is going against their own nature. Swimming fish can have the same symbolism as sperm, and therefore can indicate the desire for a child. Swimming in clear water indicates being cleanscd. whereas dark water could symbolise the possibility of depression.

2- Swimming in water will always be symbolic of the emotions, whereas swimming through the air connects with intellectual ability. I’o dream of being a good swimmer shows the ability to be able to handle emotional situations well, whereas being a poor swimmer in a dream could indicate the need to learn how to handle our emotions in a more positive way.

3- Swimming uses a lot of energy in getting from one placc to another. Symbolically it suggests that spiritual energy is being used up when we are moving towards a certain goal.


Water in a dream almost always indicates emotions. To dream that you are swimming suggests that you are exploring aspects of your unconscious mind and emotions. This is a common dream for people going through therapy or counseling, as it suggests the need for emotional support. To dream that you are swimming underwater suggests that you are completely submerged in your own emotions and need to deal with emotional difficulties.

If you dream of diving, perhaps this indicates your desire to throw yourself into a relationship or project. The erotic sensation of water passing over the body led Freud to equate swimming with sexual intercourse.

If you feel relaxed and happy, this foretells a long and happy relationship with your partner, but if you are struggling against the tide, the relationship may be in trouble.


1. One’s ability to move through a specific arena.

2. Negotiating spiritual things;

3. Relationships (a pool of people);

4. Approaching a situation (diving in)

5. Moving in the Spirit;

6. Deep (suggests that the water is deep;

7. Having to let go and trust God; Ezek. 47:5; Isa. 25:11; 2 Kings 6:6

• Breast stroke

- Word Play, Keeping abreast (aware) of things

• Freestyle

- Moving forward in freedom/the strongest and fastest swimming stroke

• Crawl

- Technically the same as the freestyle, but could be a wordplay on feeling like your “crawling” forward

• Backs stroke

- Heavenly focus

• Side stroke

- Focus towards others–(positive or negative) often used as a rescue stroke

• Butterfly stroke

- Difficult stroke which displays strength and beauty;


Leisurely swimming, such as at a beach, in a lake, or in a pool, implies good fortune and easy living ahead, unless the weather is bad, in which case danger could result from doing the wrong thing at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Swimming toward the shore indicates getting to where you want to go, but only with a lot of hard work. How difficult that will be depends on the circumstances (especially the weather) and the other symbols in the dream.

Swimming for your life in a storm warns of great difficulties ahead.

If you reach the shore, or if there is a star or lighthouse guiding your way, you will prevail.

Swimming in a meet implies an inner drive to improve yourself.

See “Sports”.


The dream of swimming must be interpreted by using all the aspects of your dream to judge the extent of the good or bad signified by swimming.

If you dream you are swimming in the ocean coming toward shore you will have good fortune in business and financial affairs through your hard work.

To be swimming in a pool shows that you will be unlucky in love and if you see females swimming in the pool you will have luck with love, to see males you will have luck in business, and if you see both you will experience both types of luck.

If you are teaching someone to swim you will soon have an increase due to good fortune.


Do you dive in at the deep end or descend steadily into the watery depths? How you approach the swim says a lot about how you’re feeling in general. A bold leap suggests an optimistic and adventurous attitude, whereas the opposite shows you’re in cautious mode. If you’re in a pool, then consider its shape. If it’s square or rectangular, a logical, practical mind is at work; if it’s circular, then you could be looking for a sense of completion. Water babies taking to the ocean are freedom seekers who refuse to be confined by rules or regulations; they are looking for space in some part of their life.


(See Also: Sports, Water)

Water represents the intuitive nature and the subconscious.

The movement through this liquid indicates either a willingness to traverse hidden portions of the self, or focusing on a defined aspect of subconsciousness as the goal of your swim.

Success in a situation in which you were asked effectively to “sink or swim.”

Regulation of the feminine aspects of self so that instincts or emotions do not overcome rationality.

A balance between the spiritual and mundane, leaning slightly more toward spiritual matters depending on the amount of the body shown as immersed.


Vision: Dreaming about swimming: you will be successful in life if you let yourself be guided by the strength of your character. Struggling with large -waves: difficult tasks are ahead, but don’t be discouraged. You’ll make it.

Depth Psychology: The water is a symbol of emotions, feelings, instincts, and urges. You have the ability (if you are a good swimmer in the dream) to live in harmony with them, or (as a nonswim- mer) have yet to integrate them into your personality.

See Also: Bathing, Water.


Water symbolizes the unconscious and thus swimming means that you trust it and are open to its path. You are sure of what you do and you are receptive to the creative power of the mind.

If you dive, it denotes that you and your unconscious form a team. This conjunction is strengthened if, in the dream, you are able to breathe underwater.

To swim strongly in clear water foretells success in love and business. If, on the contrary, you sink or fight to stay afloat, it means the opposite.


Psychological / emotional perspective: To dream of being a good swimmer shows the ability to be able to handle emotional situations well, whereas being a poor swimmer in a dream could indicate the need to learn how to handle our emotions in a more positive way. Swimming in water will always be symbolic of the emotions, whereas swimming through the air connects with intellectual ability.


Material aspects: Dreaming of swimming has much the same symbolism as immersion.

To be swimming upstream in a dream would indicate we are going against our own nature. Swimming fish can have the same symbolism as sperm and, therefore, can indicate the desire for a child. Swimming in clear water indicates being cleansed, whereas dark water could symbolize the possibility of depression.


Bodies of water are natural symbols of both the unconscious and the emotions. Dreaming about swimming can thus be related to the emotions or to an exploration of one’s unconscious (a natural dream image for someone undergoing therapy). Also, because we spend the first nine months of our lives in a liquid environment, swimming is also a symbol of birth or rebirth.


1. If swimming where people one is attracted to are also swimming, it indicates sexual attraction.

2. If swimming in the ocean, it indicates one is very independent.

3. If swimming in a pool, one is less daring than an ocean swimmer.

4. If swim­ming anywhere one senses danger, such as from a shark, there is concern about where one is working.


If you are swimming in your dream you are most likely swimming through the “ ocean” of your unconscious and through the “ sea “ of your emotions.

The ease with which you are doing this activity will give you clues as to how well you are navigating through those very complex parts of yourself. Are you out of your depth or winning a race?


Symbolic of your life.

If you are being chased it can symbolize a spiritual enemy in your life.

If you are with friends and family enjoying yourself it can symbolize fun and relaxation in life.

If you are naked or topless while swimming it symbolizes a feeling of having your weaknesses exposed to other people


Dreams about swimming are related to the need to trust your instincts and look to past situations for answers to problems. They can also signify the need for nurturing or mothering in one’s life. Also see “Flippers”, “Swimming Lessons”, “Swimming Pool” and “Underwater”


See Also: Water. Relaxation, the world of feelings.

It is often connected to liberation. Where is the swimming taking place and what is the condition of the water? According to Freud; urine and the life of the unborn. Also, a symbol of pollution.


Swimming in a pool may offer a refreshing experience and a release from tensions. It may represent a spir- ltual experience with others. Swimming in the ocean may indicate your readiness to explore the subconscious as well as your feelings.


To dream of swimming with your head above water means you will have good success.

To swim with your head under the water means you wall be weighed down with problems.

To swam in the nude means you will enjoy social successes.


Swimming is an archetypal dream image. It suggests that spiritual energy is being used as we are moving towards a particular goal.

It is said in dreams to symbolize the womb experience.


A maiden who dreams that she is swimming with someone, either man or woman, who is a much better swimmer, may look forward to a life of ease and many exciting love affairs.


-With the head above water, success; the head under water, denotes misfortune; to sink forecasts ruin (Raphael).


Swimming may symbolize a trustful and receptive attitude towards your unconscious, or your mother, or Mother Nature.


Hard work confronts you, but if you Swim to shore, or reach your objective, then you will succeed in the end.


If the swimming is without effort and gives pleasure, this dream augurs a smooth and prosperous existence.


Staying on top of things and progressing in the waters of affliction; see “water”


See Also: sport metaphors.


To dream vou are swimming with your head above the water, denotes great success in your undertakings, whether they be love, trade, sea, or farming. To dream you are swimming with your head under water, shows that yon will experience some great trouble and hear some very unpleasant news from a person you thouŒht dead. In trade, it shows loss of. business.


lucky numbers: 03-08-22-37-42-49

afloat, having trouble staying: expect troubles instantaneously.

back, on your: wil have a big quarrel over your revisiting portions of the venture.

lifeguard, meeting a: wil meet a likable mate who understands honor.

muddy water, in: your path is beset with many obstacles and mortification.

of: staying afloat depends upon the strength of your character.

open sea, in the: prosperity among your recent acquaintances.

pool, floating in a: heed importance of relaxation; al ow yourself to feel secure.

underwater: al usion to the process of birth.

reaching your objective, and: wil be successful in everything.

river, in a: wil encounter danger in the near future.

shore, to a: hard work is ahead for you, alongside someone you just met.

tangled in seaweed: a resolute mercenary wil be persuasive, but you know it is wrong.

water in a pool, no: new prospect wil cause considerable work for very little profit.


Sources and Authors

  1. Islamic Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  2. Dream Sight: A Dictionary and Guide for Interpreting Any Dream by [Back to dream]
  3. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  4. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  5. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  6. The Element Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  7. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  8. Dream Explanations of Astro Center by [Back to dream]
  9. Encyclopedia of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  10. Dreams Interpretations Hidden Meanings Symbols by [Back to dream]
  11. The Language of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  12. Dreamers Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  13. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  14. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  15. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  16. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  17. New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  18. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  19. Christian Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  20. My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  21. Little Giant Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  22. Ariadne's Book of Dream by [Back to dream]
  23. Gypsy Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  24. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  25. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  26. The Fabric of Dream by [Back to dream]
  27. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  28. Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  29. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  30. Dream Dictionary Unlimited by [Back to dream]
  31. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  32. The Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  33. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by [Back to dream]

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A to Z Dream Interpretation