sleeping boy


Teeth Double Row | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Teeth Double Row

31 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about teeth, double and row related.


An ordinary dream involving teeth often foretells unpleasant encounters with sickness or troubling people. Each scenario related to teeth in dreams can symbolize a range of misfort...

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If you dream of two of something, then this signifies partnership or to double the intensity of the symbol.For example, if you dream of two birthday cakes, then this dream symboliz...

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False Teeth

To see false teeth, or someone noticeably wearing false teeth, means that someone is putting up a false front in dealing with you. Check your business contacts carefully If you dre...

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Wisdom Teeth

Words of wisdom, unless decayed; missing means a lack of wisdom...

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Teeth Falling Out

Insecurity in Life Dreams about teeth falling out often signify feelings of insecurity in some area of your life. Teeth serve three essential functions: they help us nurture oursel...

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Trying to live two ways and not fully convinced of either; see “hypocrite”...

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(See Betrayal)...

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Long Teeth

If a person sees his teeth as long or white or beautiful, it means that he will witness certain conditions in some of his family members that will give him pleasure and satisfactio...

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Loose Teeth

Loose teeth implies that one of his family members will fall ill....

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Masticating Teeth

To see the teeth in the act of chewing suggest that one of his family members will fall ill....

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Teeth In The Pocket

Pocketing the teeth or wrapping them in cloth or seeing them falling into the hand or keeping them in the house-any of these is a harbinger of a child, brother or sister being born...

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The Front Two Teeth-upper And Lower

They symbolise a person’s children, brothers and sisters....

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Double Edged Sword

Symbolic of the word of God, Heb. 4:12 ...

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Pulling Teeth

Something that you cannot or are not supposed to have.(“Getting the information is like pulling teeth.”)...

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Teeth / Loss Of Teeth

Vitality, relatives, friends, and lovers; but this image also has a predatory and destructive side.See Vampire.As far back as Greek mythology, teeth were said to refer to children....

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Double Ax

A symbol of feminine power associated with the Amazon tribes of Greek mythology, this tool offers a two-sided power with both negative and positive qualities.The double ax represen...

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Double Bed

Entering a room with a double bed may point to your desire for sexual intimacy in a committed relationship. It may present your concerns about your relationship as well as your sex...

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Double Decker

Dreams of a double decker buss symbolize accelerated power in your potencyin life. Because a double decker buss is twice as high up as a regular bus, this affords an elevated view,...

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Teeth {most Req. Word}

Teeth was the most requested dream word of all so here goes...If you dream of having false teeth this indicates that you will have unexpected help on a problem.To dream of rotten t...

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Brushing Your Teeth

To brush your teeth, foretells that some great struggle will be demanded of you in order to preserve your fortune.If you see a friend brushing their teeth, it may be a warning that...

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Double Date

To dream about going on a double date, suggests that you are nervous about a romantic situation and you need your friends’ support and advice to see you through....

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To dream of yourself or another person having more than one head foretells that you will have a sudden rise in social status....

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Loosing Teeth

This is a fear of survival dream. Without teeth we cannot eat. Big life changes are taking place such as leaving home for the first time; becoming pregnant, getting married or gett...

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Teeth Falling Out Or Crumbling

This dream might have a physical origin in people gritting or grinding their teeth during sleep. Freud suggested that dreams of teeth falling out are related to fears of castration...

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Braces To Teeth

1. Restricted movement by your words;2. Bite/no power; Num. 22:38; Matt. 23:2-3....

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Double Digits

In Tarot and in dreams, the significance of numbers does not stop at ten. In most cases, the number can be reduced to a single digit number as described above, but certain numbers ...

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Interpreting Dreams About Teeth Falling Out

The General Meaning of Teeth Falling Out Dreams: Teeth falling out dreams are among the most common and can carry various interpretations across different cultures and dream analy...

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Losing Teeth

Since the second century people have dreamed of losing their teeth, and there are countless written accounts that substantiate this. While the ancients believed this was an omen of...

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I Saw The Snake's Sharp Teeth

General MeaningThe symbol of a snake, in general, has a dual meaning in the realm of dream interpretation. It can suggest both positive and negative aspects, depending on the speci...

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Floss Stuck In Tooth

General MeaningThe dream about floss stuck in teeth could represent a feeling of being trapped or restrained in some aspect of your waking life. The floss tying your teeth together...

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What Does Dreaming Of Losing Teeth Mean?

General MeaningDreams of losing teeth are common and encompass a variety of interpretations related to fears, anxieties, and transitions. On a basic level, they can reflect concern...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation