To dream that you are walking in a street, foretells ill luck and worries. You will almost despair of reaching the goal you have set up in your aspirations.To be in a familiar stre...
Example: ‘It was like an English church with several great spires.The whole building seemed to be built in a white and gold design.The gold pans shimmered in the sun. I gazed a...
Example: 4I was afraid the thugs would comer and attack me’ (Pauline B). Example: ‘I went into an obscure corner of the cloakroom and hung up the coat—then I went through t...
[DREAM IMAGES: COWARD; DEMANDING BOSS / TEACHER; GANG OF INTIMIDATING THUGS; SCHOOL BULLY ETC.]The archetype of the bully manifests the core truth that the spirit is always stronge...