Symbol: In men’s dreams the violin is often a symbol for sex-ual vigor.
Vision: Playing the violin: you still have very romantic ideas about life and love, but this is one of the things people like about you. Listening to others play the violin: be honest, aren’t you just a little jealous of other people’s talents and successes? Looking at a violin in your dream means pleasant conversations with nice people. Hearing a violin: you are unconsciously yearning for something; it also means you have hidden talents.
Depth Psychology: A dream about a violin may be suggesting that you reexamine your hopes and dreams. Have you set your sights too high? Do you want to make “beautiful music”—have a romantic affair ?
[1]If you are playing a violin well in your dream, or hear violin music, this could suggest that you are expressing your creativity with skill.
If you aren’t playing well, or the music sounds discordant, this could suggest the opposite. Violins can also represent sexual intercourse or even masturbation. Be aware of the term, ‘get the violins out’, as your dream may be suggesting that you are trying to get unnecessary sympathy. It could also relate to ‘fiddle’ as another word for violin. Are you ‘fiddling about’ and doing nothing constructive? Are you playing ‘second fiddle’ and feeling second best in waking life?
[2]An idealization of the female body. Or wanting to “play the first violin.” As with all musical instruments, harmony is addressed; and as with all string instruments, the image symbolizes the “string of nerves,” as well as the mood and tension of a person.
The resonating power of a violin also points to how our inner world resonates. It could be interpreted as the “echo of the soul.”
If a string breaks, it means quarrels.
Folklore: Domestic happiness.
[3]To see, or hear a violin in dreams, foretells harmony and peace in the family, and financial affairs will cause no apprehension.
For a young woman to play on one in her dreams, denotes that she will be honored and receive lavish gifts.
If her attempt to play is unsuccessful, she will lose favor, and aspire to things she never can possess.
A broken one, indicates sad bereavement and separation.
[4]The bosh is a favorite instalment of the Gypsies.
To dream that you see and / or hear one being played is a very good sign, symbolizing much enjoyment and good company To dream that you are playing the bosh is to know that you are much loved and admired.
[5]To see or hear a violin in your dream, symbolizes peace and harmony in the family.
If you dream of playing a violin, you will receive honor and gifts soon.
To see a broken violin in your dream, signifies separation and sadness.
[6]If the sound is pleasant, the dream augurs well for social and domestic affairs, but disharmony or broken strings portend petty quarrels.
See Also: Music, Musical Instruments.
[7]Violin music in a dream may point to a romantic event that fulfilled a desire for romantic love.
A violin played badly may suggest that you need to stop whining.
[8]1. Contentment, happiness, especially in domestic situation.
2. Sadness.
3. Sorrow will be comforted.
4. Anger, arguments (broken violin strings).
[9]To hear sweet music is a sign of social aid domestic happiness, but beware if one of the strings should break, for it foretells a quarrel.
[10]To dream that you are playing a violin denotes honors.
A broken violin, separation from a loved one.
See Also: Music.
[11]Innermost feelings; heanfelt feelings or urges.
See Also: music; musical instrument.
[12]The music of a bleeding heart; see “music” and “bleeding heart”
[13]Symbolic of soothing and pleasant activities
[14]A dream of social pleasures (Gypsy).
[15]To dream one plays, or sees another play upon the violin or other musical instrument, signifies good news, and concord between man and wife, master and apprentice, brother and sister, etc.
[17]lucky numbers: 15-18-27-32-40-43
arch of: others wil interfere in love affairs.
base, a: wil be visited by an old friend.
bass viol: your talents are an essential part of the team project.
breaking a string of a: wil soon have sorrow that causes tears.
broken, a: bliss between husband and wife.
hearing the sweet music of a: wil be crowned to the height of your domestic desires.
playing a: wil have considerable trouble untangling complicated situations.
at a concert: consolation of a beautiful mind.
cello, a: your confidence is steady, deep and heartfelt.
in solitude: wil attend a funeral.
others: joy if you give up the jealousy.
string quartet, in a: your decision should not be based on malicious gossip.