The meaning of the symbols of wa, kalu, illa, hi, inna, ilesha and rajiun seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


Wa Kalu Illa Hi Wa Inna Ilesha Rajiun | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Wa Kalu Illa Hi Wa Inna Ilesha Rajiun

48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about wa, kalu, illa, hi, inna, ilesha and rajiun related.


To dream of clear water, foretells that you will joyfully realize prosperity and pleasure.If the water is muddy, you will be in danger and gloom will occupy Pleasure’s seat.If yo...

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To dream of war, foretells unfortunate conditions in business, and much disorder and strife in domestic affairs.For a young woman to dream that her lover goes to war, denotes that ...

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To dream of walking through rough brier, entangled paths, denotes that you will be much distressed over your business complications, and disagreeable misunderstandings will produce...

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To dream that you are washing yourself, signifies that you pride yourself on the numberless liaisons you maintain.See Wash Bowl or Bathing. ...

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To see wallets in a dream, foretells burdens of a pleasant nature will await your discretion as to assuming them.An old or soiled one, implies unfavorable results from your labors....

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To dream of a warehouse, denotes for you a successful enterprise.To see an empty one, is a sign that you will be cheated and foiled in some plan which you have given much thought a...

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To dream of a watch, denotes you will be prosperous in well-directed speculations.To look at the time of one, your efforts will be defeated by rivalry.To break one, there will be d...

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To dream of a wagon, denotes that you will be unhappily mated, and many troubles will prematurely age you.To drive one down a hill, is ominous of proceedings which will fill you wi...

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Wasps, if seen in dreams, denotes that enemies will scourge and spitefully villify you.If one stings you, you will feel the effect of envy and hatred.To kill them, you will be able...

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Wages, if received in dreams, brings unlooked for good to persons engaging in new enterprises.To pay out wages, denotes that you will be confounded by dissatisfaction.To have your ...

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To dream of a waterfall, foretells that you will secure your wildest desire, and fortune will be exceedingly favorable to your progress....

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To dream of waves, is a sign that you hold some vital step in contemplation, which will evolve much knowledge if the waves are clear; but you will make a fatal error if you see the...

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To dream of a waiter, signifies you will be pleasantly entertained by a friend.To see one cross or disorderly, means offensive people will thrust themselves upon your hospitality. ...

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Area figurative of self-control; see “abdomen”...

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Time; see “candle”...

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If you wade in clear water while dreaming, you will partake of evanescent, but exquisite joys.If the water is muddy, you are in danger of illness, or some sorrowful experiences.To ...

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To see the waltz danced, foretells that you will have pleasant relations with a cheerful and adventuresome person.For a young woman to waltz with her lover, denotes that she will b...

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1. Longing for leisure times, summer.2. Pregnancy.3. Sexuality. ...

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Waiter / Waitress

Wanting to be waited on; feeling you are be­ing made to wait on others; wordplay for waiting around for someone else. ...

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To dream that you attend a wake, denotes that you will sacrifice some important engagement to enjoy some ill-favored assignation.For a young woman to see her lover at a wake, foret...

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Patience, long suffering, fruits of the spirit; see “fruits”...

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1. Covering up something that one does not want others to see.2. Attempt to make one’s life brighter, better.3. Stripping wallpaper means trying to change one’s life. ...

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1. To dream that one is watching something represents one’s lack of initiative to take any action; it may also symbolize neutrality in some situation.2. One’s neutrality in a q...

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To dream of making a wager, signifies that you will resort to dishonest means to forward your schemes.If you lose a wager, you will sustain injury from base connections with those ...

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A wail falling upon your ear while in the midst of a dream, brings fearful news of disaster and woe.For a young woman to hear a wail, foretells that she will be deserted and left a...

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To dream of walnuts, is an omen significant of prolific joys and favors.To dream that you crack a decayed walnut, denotes that your expectations will end in bitterness and regretab...

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Water Lily

To dream of a water lily, or to see them growing, foretells there will be a close commingling of prosperity and sorrow or bereavement....

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Tidal Wave

1. Turmoil in waking life.2. Being overwhelmed with emotions.3. Feelings of being overwhelmed in a relationship. ...

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To dream that you find a wall obstructing your progress, you will surely succumb to ill-favored influences and lose important victories in your affairs.To jump over it, you will ov...

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To dream of your wardrobe, denotes that your fortune will be endangered by your attempts to appear richer than you are.If you imagine you have a scant wardrobe, you will seek assoc...

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If you are troubled with warts on your person, in dreams, you will be unable to successfully parry the thrusts made at your honor.To see them leaving your hands, foretells that you...

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To dream of wandering through waste places, foreshadows doubt and failure, where promise of success was bright before you.To dream of wasting your fortune, denotes you will be unpl...

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Going forward without help...

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Someone who restricts and controls others in a prison of invisible bars...

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To see or dream that one is a warrior represents life’s challenges and one’s ability to confront them. ...

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Tug Of War

To dream of a tug of war suggests a conflict between good and bad, male and female, positive and negative.A tug of war may indicate the need to maintain balance through tension bet...

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Wadding, if seen in a dream, brings consolation to the sorrowing, and indifference to unfriendly criticism. ...

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Undesirable flaw, i.E. Warts inside the throat depict an untalented voice; warts on the epidermis depict unpopular personality traits...

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1. Dominance.2. To see oneself as a walrus indicates one is willing to protect others. ...

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Washing Machine

1. One has the means to cleanse some part of one’s life, such as guilt.2. Watching a washing machine in ac­tion means one’s life is humdrum. ...

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It means quareeling. Otherwise it means livelihood obtained after much exertion....

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Often appears alongside sunlight and comfon in dreams; physical comfon and wellbeing; supportive family feelings; love, cheerfulness or hopefulness; feeling of emo­tional situatio...

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Wafer, if seen in a dream, purports an encounter with enemies.To eat one, suggests impoverished fortune.For a young woman to bake them, denotes that she will be tormented and distr...

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To dream of a waif, denotes personal difficulties, and especial ill-luck in business. ...

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Walking Stick

To see a walking stick in a dream, foretells you will enter into contracts without proper deliberation, and will consequently suffer reverses.If you use one in walking, you will be...

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To dream that a warrant is being served on you, denotes that you will engage in some important work which will give you great uneasiness as to its standing and profits.To see a war...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation