The meaning of the symbols of witnessed seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


Witnessed | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Witnessed

20 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about witnessed related.


Rape in a dream is a positive symbol even though the association with it is very negative because of its abhorrent nature from waking life. Sex is ultimately about integration and ...

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Standing in the air in a dream means being honored or acknowledged by a governor, though it will not last. Ifone has exaggerated hopes, arrogance, pride, or if he is a self-centere...

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(God’s Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him, The Seal of the prophets, The last Messenger) It is related that God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, has said : “O...

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(Coarse, Rough) Ifsomeone in authority becomes rude, or ifhe is witnessed to be rude in a dream, it means loss of his job....

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The Ewe Escaping

If he sees the ewe escaping from his house or dying or being stolen it means some unpleasant incident will be witnessed in his wife....

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Dream Analysis

Sigmund Freud was the founder of modern therapeutic analysis of dreams. Freud encouraged clients to relax on a couch and allow free associations to arise in con­nection with aspec...

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Talking In Sleep

Most people who have kept a dog have witnessed it bark while it is obviously dreaming. Calling out during a disturbing or active dream is common to humans also. Some people sleep t...

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The desire for, or fear of, risky endeavors.It is the image of modern man’s fight for survival.The dreamer is looking for validation, Applause.According to Freud, this dream imag...

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What we have witnessed in a dream—what we have seen—should be taken very seriously and remembered as accurately as possible. You are feeling included and part of the event. Bei...

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Referring to sight, attention to the eyes may reflect the power to see clearly in a situation. They may also represent third sight or psychic abilities. Blue eyes represent clarity...

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Wading through sawdust may point to the debris that needs to be cleaned up from some project recently under construction. Sawdust may point to having witnessed something dirty....

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To dream of being assassinated indicates a situation that has no optimism or chance of success and requires your instant consideration and effort.To dream that you’ve witnessed a...

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This indicates that there is a funeral to be witnessed by you.To dream that you are married indicates that you will never marry. Marriage of sick persons indicates their death. ...

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Lucid Dreaming: Exploring The Depths Of Consciousness

Lucid Dreaming: Exploring the Depths of Consciousness The modern psychological study of dreams is rooted in the groundbreaking work of Sigmund Freud and his seminal book, The In...

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lucky numbers: 05-08-20-29-41-49entering a: seek protection from your harsh responsibilities. family, being in a, with the: time to refurbish your home. friends: danger in love mat...

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lucky numbers: 09-13-14-15-18-39being a: the absoluteness of your truth is signed and sealed. going to a, to get papers notarized: have curious friends on a need-to-know basis. rec...

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(Curse, Omen, Policeman, Warning sign) In a dream, thunder without rain means a scare, a warning or an ultimatum. It also represents good promises, gracious orders, or the sound ...

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The act of incest in the dream may of course be a real-life one that you witnessed or were involved in.If so, have you talked about it to a good friend or psychotherapist? If not, ...

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The Anima And The Animus

A part of our persona is the role of male or female we must play. For most people, that gender role is determined by their physical sex. But Jung, like Freud and Adler and others, ...

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A nursery full of babies suggests that starting a family may be high on your agenda, but it can also mean that you may be thinking about keeping a pet, or nurturing a group of peop...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation