The meaning of the symbols of woman, hand, two, people, five, dollar and bill seen in a dream.

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Today's Dream Interpretation


Seeing A Woman Hand Two People A Five Dollar Bill Each | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Woman Hand Two People Five Dollar Bill

48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about woman, hand, two, people, five, dollar and bill related.


If you see beautiful hands in your dream, you will enjoy great distinction, and rise rapidly in your calling; but ugly and malformed hands point to disappointments and poverty.To s...

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1. Love and nurturing.2. May mean unknown desires are emerging.3. Feminine aspects of self.4. Fear of growing old.5. If an old woman, laden with advice.6. If a woman is preg­nant,...

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5 See Crowd....

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Famous People

See Also: Actor...

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We express ourselves with our hands, and appropriate reading of body language is a valuable source of information. Likewise, in the dream state the hands may reveal information abo...

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Palm Of The Hand

(Hand) In a dream, the palm of one’s hand represents one’s fitness in wakefulness. Clapping one’s hands in a dream could either mean joy and happiness, or it could mean nothi...

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An unpaid debt brought to one’s attention needs to be paid...

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Old Woman

If unknown, she symbolises the current year.If she is beautiful, the year will bring good fortune.If ugly, the year will prove a disaster....

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Shaking Hands

For a young woman to dream that she shakes hands with some prominent ruler, foretells she will be surrounded with pleasures and distinction from strangers.If she avails herself of ...

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This is another contradictory dream.If you are worrying about bills in your dream, it means you’ll soon have a run of good financial luck.If you’re paying bills in your dream, ...

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Dead People

1- Dead people we have known appearing in dreams usually refer back to strong emotions we have had about those people, whether they are negative or positive.For instance, there may...

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(Dinar, Money.See Banknote, Counting, Numbers)...

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Old Man / Old Woman

Carl Jung said that the wise old man is the “archetype of the spirit” and the “speaking fountainhead of the soul.” Dreaming about him may attempt to bring the dreamer into ...

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Club (people)

1- When we dream of being in a club such as a night-spot or sports club, we are highlighting the right of every human being to belong.2- Psychologically we are not able to be part ...

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Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous people might be defined as those who belong to a particular area of the earth and have over many centuries developed their own spiritual michelle grieco practices in ord...

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Hand Grenade

If you dreamed of throwing a grenade, your impulsive behavior will lead to embarrassment and humiliation. Any other dream of a grenade is a warning, telling you not to doing anythi...

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Hairy Hands

To dream that your hands are covered with hair like that of a beast, signifies you will intrigue against innocent people, and will find that you have alert enemies who are working ...

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“Helping hands”...

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Interpretation According To The Varying Conditions Of People

If a righteous and noble person sees himself as handcuffed or placed in a pillory* It means he will remain safeguarded against mischief and wickedness. But if the observer of such ...

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Severed Hand

If a person sees his hand severed and while lifting such a hand, it remains attached to his body it means he will derive some benefit from his brother or son. But if the severed ha...

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Holding Hands

This is a symbol of God’s faithfulness, protection, and love, Ps. 37:24. Holding hands with someone in a dream means being in agreement with them...

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Second Hand

Dreams of second hand or a hand-me-downs are about feelings of deservability and of using that which is not originally yours. This dream may be permission for you to express your o...

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Old People

In dreams, old people can represent either our ancestors or grandparents, hence wisdom accrued from experience.If the old person is male – depending on the gender of the dreamer ...

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Old Man, Or Woman

To dream of seeing an old man, or woman, denotes that unhappy cares will oppress you, if they appear otherwise than serene.See Faces, Men, and Women....

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Washer Woman

A washer woman seen in dreams, represents infidelity and a strange adventure.For the business man, or farmer, this dream indicates expanding trade and fine crops.For a woman to dre...

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Bill, Billy

See “william”...

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Monetary, but the number may be figurative; research...

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Making one powerless or ineffective in the work of their hands...

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Amputated Hand

If a person sees his hand being amputated, it suggest that either his brother or his friend will die; or his partner will dissolve his partnership with the observer.The above will ...

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Bill Of Exchange

(Bank draft, Commercial) If one sees himself paying someone a fee to write him a bill of exchange, or a bank draft in a dream, it means that he will borrow some money to do busines...

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Burst Of Fame In The Hand

A burst of flame in the hand is interpreted as inuries caused to him by the king or ruler....

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Clapping Hands

In a dream, clapping hands represents pagan customs.If one hears hands clapping, or if he claps his hands in a dream, it may indicate an illness or it could represent a vacant hous...

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Crown Seen By A Woman

If a woman sees a crown in her dream. It symbolises her husband.If she is unmarried, she will soon marry a very dignified, respectable and influential man....

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Detached Hand With No Bleeding

If a person sees his hand as detached without any trace of blood if a glad tiding of the observer’s abstinence from sins.The same is the interpretation if a person sees himself h...

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Giving People Water To Drink

Drawing water from the well and seeing impurities and filth in such water means the person doing so will pollute his wealth with haraam wealth....

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Hand Bell

A hand bell in a dream represents a jobber, a broker, a wife and her children, or the muezzin of a mosque.A hand bell in a dream also means a scandal. Ringing a hand held bell in a...

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Hand Grinder

(See Hand mill)...

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Hand Mill

(Laboring, Livelihood, Millstone, Travel) A hand mill in a dream means overcoming distress, pain, or satisfying one’s needs. It could also mean richness after poverty, marriage...

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Interlocking One’s Hands

(Intertwine) In a dream, interlocking one’s hands means a partnership, a contract, marriage, stagnation, stillness of business, 226 delinquency in one’s prayers, negligence of ...

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Left Hand

(See Body’, Food)...

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Marrying A Dead Woman

He will succeed in acquiring his pursuit regarding which he has lost all hopes....

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Powerful Hands

Powerful hands symbolise the wielding of great power....

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Star In The Hand

Star in the hand heralds the birth of a pious boy....

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Righteous People

(Companions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, Followers, Successors) Seeing God’s blessed people and His righteous ones, or any of the early companions of God’s Messenge...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation