The meaning of the symbols of wrongly seen in a dream.

sleeping boy

Today's Dream Interpretation


Wrongly Arrested | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Wrongly

15 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about wrongly related.


Using cutlery that is inappropriate (such as eating soup with a fork), may indicate one is behaving wrongly when it comes to emotion. ...

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Atom Bomb

also see .\uclear Explosion1- Where anxiety regarding the external world is experienced, the dreamer may need to be aware that the end of a particular way of life is imminent in an...

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Here, it usually means the so-called “spirit of life,” which makes up a distinctly human life. In addition, it might possibly point to unused or wrongly applied intellectual ac...

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Stabilizing, bonding medium. Being steadfast or stubborn. Heat that needs to cool down.Getting stuck, being glued to something (in reference to relationships, work, etc.). Somethin...

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A dagger dream portends a threat to your local reputation.It is a warning against any act that may be wrongly interpreted....

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Psychological / emotional perspective: There is a sense of coercion – of having to – in the idea of execution of a task.If we tend to be driven by our emotions this will come a...

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The leopard represents cruelty and aggression and traditionally the deviousness of wrongly used power....

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(1) If in a dream you behave violently towards a person or animal, some deep-seated anger or resentment is indicated, particularly if such behaviour recurs in your dreams. The caus...

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Self-discipline; if used wrongly can block achievement of highest good for fear of censure and making a mistake. Humankind’s limited awareness does not give one the wisdom to jud...

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It is a warning that you can run into problems or prickly issues. This dream often suggests you not to make decisions in haste.The hedgehog’s oneiric image alerts of judgments re...

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lucky numbers: 13-25-34-35-45-47having calculated: the solution is in using your head. expenditures: expect bad news concerning business, others living at your expense. other affai...

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lucky numbers: 09-10-11-30-36-47affairs correctly: inheritance is the positive effect of self-directed energy. wrongly: wil have many changes. being a conductor of a train or bus: ...

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Library / Museum

In dreams, a library can represent a storehouse of your experiences in life as well as your intellect.If the library is well ordered, this suggests that you handle knowledge well.I...

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lucky numbers: 04-05-15-26-34-41afraid of, being: new ventures but continue to live the routine of a proper life. automatic: attention must be paid to details, for a change for the...

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lucky numbers: 03-05-11-15-16-37biting the: are a romantic person with an inability to let go of your anger. burning the: slander wil severely criticize your character. children sh...

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